How to run WinSCP in batch

Publication Date:April 16, 2021

INFOMARTION > How to run WinSCP in batch


This is about how to run WinSCP in batch. WinSCP is often operated via GUI, but it can also be run as a batch.

Check the WinSCP download folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP") and you will find the "" file. By calling this file from the command prompt, WinSCP can be executed as a batch.

Table of Contents

  1. How to operate as a batch
  2. How to create a batch file
  3. summary

1. How to operate as a batch

Create a batch file with a .bat extension so that WinSCP runs by simply double-clicking the batch file.

2. How to create a batch file

To run WinSCP in batch, two files are required: a "bat file" to invoke WinSCP in batch from the command prompt and a "txt file" to execute WinSCP commands.

If you want to know how to make it specifically, please refer to the WinSCP tool that we have made to automatically download and upload WinSCP using batches.

How to create an automatic file download and upload tool using the WinSCP command

3. summary

We have described how to execute WinSCP in batch. If you are doing routine work using WinSCP in your daily business, please try this as it will enable you to automate your work.

Thank you for taking the time to read this to the end.


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